Showing posts with label sparse matrix. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sparse matrix. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

More on Speeding Up Octave

In a previous post we found that speeding up Octave amounted mostly to avoiding for loops. The simplest way to do that is to operate directly on vectors using the built-in operators and functions (which are fast because they are compiled) or cast your problem as a sparse matrix solve. This second option is especially helpful when subsequent calculations depend on previous iterations (the code can't really be vectorized). This option is a very general way of avoiding loops in those cases.

The simple example given previously was a numerical integration of x-squared:

p1(1) = 0;
for( i=2:N )
t = t + dt;
p1(i) = p1( i-1 ) + dt*2*t;

The way to recast the problem as a sparse matrix solve is to think of p1 as the vector of unknowns, and each iteration of the loop as an equation in the system we want to solve. Writing down the system gives us:

The important detail to remember is to use the functions in Octave to allocate the sparse matrix, or you could easily find yourself writing more really slow for-loops just to create the sparse matrix which you hoped would save lots of time by avoiding for-loops. Talk about the long, slow way around!

Two very useful functions are speye() and spdiag(). The first returns a sparse identity matrix, which is often a good initial building block for many useful operators. The second allows you to place vectors (allocated quickly with the usual vector suspects such as ones() and zeros() ) along the diagonals of the sparse matrix.

# create the main diagonal
A = speye( N );
# alternatively could use spdiag:
# A = spdiag( ones(N,1), 0 );
A = A + spdiag( -ones(N-1,1), -1 ); # add the first sub-diagonal

If your operator isn't banded then you'll need to use spconvert(), which takes as its argument a three (or four if you need a complex result) column matrix. Each row of the argument defines a non-zero entry in the sparse matrix. The first column is the row index, the second column is the column index and the third column is the entry value (fourth column being the imaginary part of the value, if necessary).

Using those three functions should allow you to allocate a sparse matrix in Octave without resorting to for loops (which was why we embarked on this journey to begin with).

This method is counter-intuitive to folks who come from a Fortran (or other compiled language) background, because writing down the loop is the simple, efficient way to solve the problem. It also seems like 'wasting' memory to store all of those redundant coefficients. The timing results speak for themselves though, if you want to stay completely in Octave (or Matlab or Python) sometimes you have to do weird things to get reasonable performance. Of course, if speed really becomes a problem then the inner loops of your calculations need to move to a compiled language that can then be called from Octave, this is a bit more complicated than our little sparse matrix method.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is Octave Slow?

The answer, like most things worth asking the question about, is "Well, it depends..."

I'm not going to talk about "computer time" vs. "programmer time"; though that's probably one of the most important considerations most of the time (check out Paul Graham's essays if you need convincing). I'll just talk about what takes a long time to compute in Octave, and what trade-offs can be made to improve the situation. We'll dwell mostly on the first tip from the Octave Manual (you'll see it's first for good reason). The other important thing to do is always allocate memory before looping over a vector (eg. x=zeros(n,1)).

Suppose we have a simple re-sampling problem. We would like to estimate the sampling distribution of a statistic of our data. The data could be a simple vector of 1 or 0 representing success or failure of a trial, and we want to estimate the probability of success.

x = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0];

One method to solve the problem would be to use a for loop:

X = empirical_rnd(N,x); % get a bootstrap sample from x
for(j=1:10) % timing loop, measure a couple times to get an idea of the
% variation
for( i=1:N-n ) % loop over the bootstrap samples
p(i) = sum( X(i:i+n-1) )/n;

With N=20000, this takes 1.09 seconds on my old laptop, that seems kind of slow. The sampling distribution for the probability of success is shown in the figure below.

It is always a good idea to vectorize what you can when in Octave, so the method below does just that.

X = empirical_rnd(x,N,n);
P = sum(X,2)/n;
vecttime(j) = toc();

With n=20000, this takes 0.009 seconds on the same old laptop, that's a speed-up of 2 orders of magnitude!

Well, those are trivial examples of vectorizing a calculation to avoid the dreaded for-loop. What happens when subsequent calculations depend on the results of previous iterations?

p1(1) = 0;
t = t + dt;
p1(i) = p1(i-1)+dt*2*t;

This loop integrates x*x numerically, with N=20000 it takes ~0.75 seconds. We can't vectorize, so how do we speed it up? Octave has some good sparse matrix capabilities, maybe we could recast the problem as a sparse matrix solve.

Now we are trading memory for speed. In the for-loop implementation we just have to store the vector p. If we want to use Octave's sparse matrix facilities we need to store the two diagonals of our operator, so that roughly triples the memory requirements. Given the enormous size of modern computer memory, most toy problems should fit (if your problem doesn't fit, why are you still using Octave?).

A = spdiag( ones(N,1), 0 );
A = A + spdiag( -ones(N-1,1), -1 );
p2 = A\(dt*2*t);

The direct solution of the simple bi-diagonal system, with N=20000 takes ~0.019 seconds, better than 2 orders of magnitude speed-up over the for-loop implementation. For more complex sparse operators one of the iterative schemes might be appropriate.

The moral: if your problem is small enough to fit into memory, cram it all in and don't use for-loops!

Is Octave slow? Well, it depends, if you use for-loops it is.

Further Reading

A couple more posts on optimizing your Octave code.