The purpose of the workshop is to bring together a diverse group of computational scientists working in fields in which reliability of predictive computational models is important. Via formal presentations, structured discussions, and informal conversations, we seek to heighten awareness of the importance of reliable computations, which are becoming ever more critical in our world.It looks very interesting.
The intended audience is computational scientists and decision makers in fields as diverse as earth/atmospheric sciences, computational biology, engineering science, applied mechanics, applied mathematics, astrophysics, and computational chemistry.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Notre Dame V&V Workshop
The folks at Notre Dame are putting on a Verification and Validation Workshop. The preliminary agenda is up on the workshop site.
Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to attend. Hopefully they will post posters and papers. Update: I was able to attend. They will be posting the presenters' slides. I will put up some of my notes when they get the slides up.
Notes are up here